2024-2025 Season
On Golden Pond, Fall Play
The Addams Family, Fall Musical
Lend Me A Tenor, State One Act Competition
You Can't Take It With You, Winter Play
Anything Goes, Spring Musical
2023-2024 Season
Cabaret, Fall Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Achievement in Musical Theatre
Overall Performance of a Musical
Ensemble Dance Performance
Performance in a Leading Role: Lillian Hochman, Elliot Lee-O'Halloran
Performance in a Supporting Role: Sam Rosewarne, Sadie Stillman, Mabel Weismann
Technical Achievement Awards: Overall Technical Team, Costume Crew, Sound Crew, Technical Leadership (Jazmine Westlind, Stage Manager; Natalie Ashline, Sound Board Operator; Eva Stavrou, Costumer; Taylor Hendrickson, Make-up Designer; Grace Gabelhouse, Assistant Stage Manager
The Sound of Music, Holiday Musical
What the Constitution Means to Me, State One Act Competition
Picnic, Winter Play
The Rink, Spring Musical
2022-2023 Season
Grand Hotel the Musical, Fall Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Achievement in Musical Theatre
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Ensemble Performance
Vocal Performance
Performance in a Leading Role: Sean Peterson
Performance in a Supporting Role: Hailey Guptail, Lillian Hochman, Wilson Lindberg
Technical Achievement Awards: Overall Technical Crew, Costume Crew, Lighting Crew, Run Crew, Sound Crew, Technical Leadership (Marcus Carlson, Stage Manager; John Armstrong, Board Operator; Izzy Bloom, Board Operator)
Little Women the Musical, Holiday Musical
Honk & Holler, One Act
Twelfth Night, Winter Play
Guys & Dolls, Spring Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Achievement in Musical Theatre
Overall Performance of a Musical
Overall Production of a Musical
Ensemble Performance
Acting Performance
Vocal Performance
Dance Performance
Student Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Aaron Goehle, Chase Kickhaefer, Elliot Lee-O'Halloran, Sadie Stillman
Performance in a Supporting Role: Sean Peterson
Technical Achievement Awards: Overall Technical Team, Sound Crew, Light Crew, Costume Crew, Technical Leadership (Marcus Carlson, Stage Manager; Ella Bricker & Jazmin Westlind, Assistant Stage Managers; John Armstrong, Board Operator, Izzy Bloom, Board Operator; Taylor Hendrickson, Makeup Crew; Kat Tran, Costumer)
Honk & Holler, at Theatre L'Homme Dieu
2021-2022 Season
Chicago, Fall Musical
Winner of the following SpotLight Musical Theatre Awards
Achievement in Musical Theatre
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Ensemble Performance
Acting Performance
Vocal Performance
Dance Performance
Performance in a Leading Role: Marin Busselberg, Lillian Hochman
Performance in a Supporting Role: Joe Harris, Elliot Lee-O'Halloran, Wilson Lindberg, Jennifer Xinyi Liu, Ella Schindel
Technical Achievement Awards: Overall Technical Team, Costume Crew, Light & Sound Crew, Run Crew, Technical Leadership (Olivia Kronzer, Stage Manger; Olivia Newman, Board Operator)
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Holiday Musical
Circle Mirror Transformation, One Act
Clue, Winter Play
Mamma Mia!, Spring Musical
Winner of the following SpotLight Musical Theatre Awards
Achievement in Musical Theatre
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Ensemble Performance
Acting Performance
Vocal Performance
Dance Performance
Performance in a Leading Role: Celia Salita
Performance in a Supporting Role: Joe Harris, Elliot Lee-O'Halloran, Wilson Lindberg
Technical Achievement Awards: Overall Technical Team, Costume Crew, Light & Sound Crew, Run Crew, Technical Leadership (Spencer Ammon, Board Operator; Stanley Gagner, Board Operator; Olivia Kronzer, Stage Manager; Kat Tran, Costumer)
Something Rotten at Theatre L'Homme Dieu, Summer Musical
2020-2021 Season
Broadway, Here I Come!, Fall Musical
Subject to Change, One Act
Noël Coward's Blithe Spirit, Winter Play
Something Rotten, Spring Musical
Winner of the following SpotLight Musical Theatre Awards
Achievement in Musical Theatre
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Ensemble Performance
Acting Performance
Vocal Performance
Dance Performance
Performance in a Leading Role: Nate Turcotte
Performance in a Supporting Role: Jason Elyea-Wheeler, Joseph Harris, Greta Lindberg, Maryn Reader
Technical Achievement Awards: Run Crew, Light & Sound Crew, Technical Leadership (Alex Armstrong, Light Board Operator; Dominic Bradburn, Stage Manager; Jenna DeJong, Sound Board Operator; Genevieve Esh, Assistant Stage Manager; Stanley Gagner, Sound Effects; Olivia Kronzer, Assistant Stage Manager).
2019-2020 Season
Chaplin the Musical, Fall Musical
Winner of the following SpotLight Musical Theatre Awards
Achievement in Musical Theatre
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Ensemble Performance
Acting Performance
Vocal Performance
Dance Performance
Student Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Riley Means, Maryn Reader, Nate Turcotte
Technical Achievement Awards: Run Crew, Overall Technical Team, Light & Sound Crew, Technical Leadership (Grace Brabec, Hair Crew; Dominic Bradburn, Assistant Stage Manager; Stanley Gagner, Board Operator; Ella Van Engen, Stage Manager).
Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Holiday Musical
The Glass Menagerie, State One Act Competition
Second Place Winner at Sectionals
Agatha Christie's Witness for the Prosecution, Winter Play
Fiddler on the Roof, Spring Musical - cancelled due to COVID-19
2018-2019 Season
Bright Star, Fall Musical
Winner of the following SpotLight Musical Theatre Awards
Achievement in Musical Theatre
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Ensemble Performance
Movement/Dance Performance by an Ensemble
Vocal Performance by an Ensemble
Acting Performance by an Ensemble
Performance in a Leading Role: Laird Busselberg, Riley Means, Nate Turcotte
Performance in a Supporting Role: Dante Colmenares, Natalie Doyle, Jason Elyea-Wheeler, Luke Henson, Sylvia Shutes
Technical Achievement Awards: Costumes Crew, Technical Crew, Overall Technical Team, Light & Sound Board Operators, Nora Meeker (Stage Manager), Front of House Crew
Sister Act, Holiday Musical
Pygmalion, State One Act Competition
Starred Performance at 2019 State AA One Act Play Festival
The Matchmaker, Winter Play
The Scarlet Pimpernel, Spring Musical
Winner of the following SpotLight Musical Theatre Awards
Achievement in Musical Theatre
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Ensemble Performance
Movement/Dance Performance by an Ensemble
Vocal Performance by an Ensemble
Acting Performance by an Ensemble
Student Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Luke Henson, Maryn Reader
Performance in a Supporting Role: Jason Elyea-Wheeler, Nate Turcotte
Technical Achievement Awards: Costume Crew, Technical Crew, Overall Technical Team, Light & Sound Board Operators
Bright Star at Theatre L'Homme Dieu, Summer Musical
The Light in the Piazza, Student Summer Stock Musical
2017-2018 Season
On The Town, Fall Musical
Winner of the following SpotLight Musical Theatre Awards
Achievement in Musical Theatre
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Ensemble Performance
Vocal Performance by an Ensemble
Acting Performance by an Ensemble
Movement/Dance Performance by an Ensemble
Performance by a Student Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: McKealy Baker, Aliyah Busselberg, Laird Busselberg, Nathan Rowbotham, Amanda Tahnk-Johnson
Performance in a Supporting Role: Luke Henson, Julia Patterson
Technical Achievement Awards: Overall Technical Team, Costume Crew, Technical Crew, Light & Sound Board Operators, Georgia Brabec (Makeup Lead), Claire Detering (Makeup Lead), Michele Helmer (Costume Lead) Jacey Mismash (Hair Lead), Ella Van Engen (Stage Manager), Carinna Williams (Stage Manager)
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Holiday Musical
Master Class, State One Act Competititon
Starred Performance at 2018 State AA One Act Play Festival
Neil Simon's Rumors, Winter Play
Mary Poppins, Spring Musical
Aliyah Busselberg, winner of the Hennepin Theatre Trust Triple Threat Award
Winner of the following SpotLight Musical Theatre Awards
Achievementin Musical Theatre
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Ensemble Performance
Vocal Performance by an Ensemble
Acting Performance by an Ensemble
Movement/Dance Performance by an Ensemble
Performance by a Student Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Aliyah Busselberg, Nathan Rowbotham
Performance in a Supporting Role: Caitlyn Carroll, Luke Henson, Margaret Wiersum
Technical Achievement Awards: Overall Technical Team; Costume Crew;Technical Crew; Light & Sound Board Operators; Aaron Fazzio (Sound); Mack Swenson (Lighting); Front of House Crew; Stage Manasgement Team; FOY Team
Merrily We Roll Along, Student Summer Stock Musical
2016-2017 Season
Bye Bye Birdie, Fall Musical
Winner of the following SpotLight Musical Theatre Awards
Achievement in Musical Theatre
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Ensemble Performance
Movement/Dance Performance by an Ensemble
Vocal Performance by an Ensemble
Acting Performance by an Ensemble
Performance by a Student Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Elle Keseley; Nathan Rowbotham; Maddy Smerillo; Margaret Wiersum
Performance in a Supporting Role: Aliyah Busselberg, Amanada Tahnk-Johnson
Technical Achievement Awards: Overall Technical Team; Technical Crew; A/V Board Operators; Costume Crew; Mary Pocock (Technical Leadership)
Disney's The Little Mermaid, Holiday Musical
The Normal Heart, State One Act Competition
Starred Performance at 2017 State AA One Act Play Festival
Steel Magnolias, Winter Play
Titanic, Spring Musical
Winner of the following SpotLight Musical Theatre Awards
Achievement in Musical Theatre
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Ensemble Performance
Vocal Performance by an Ensemble
Acting Performance by an Ensemble
Movement/Dancer Performance by an Ensemble
Performance by a Student Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Aliyah Busselberg, Christine Hwang, Elle Keseley, Steven Oasheim, Nathan Rowbotham, Andrew Shellum, Adam Ward, Margaret Wiersum
Performance in a Supporting Role: Carlos Garces, Ethan Mirman, Ryan O'Neill, Maddy Smerillo, Amanda Tahnk-Johnson
Technical Achievement Awards: Overall Technical Team; Technical Crew; A/V Board Operators, Aaron Fazzio (Technical Leadership), Nate Pierstorff (Technical Leadership)
Into the Woods, Student Summer Stock Musical
2015-2016 Season
Nice Work If You Can Get It, Fall Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Performance by a Student Orchestra
Performance by an Ensemble
Vocal Performance by an Ensemble
Acting Performance by an Ensemble
Movement/Dance Performance by an Ensemble
Performance in a Leading Role: Claire DesLauriers, Will Neisen, Nathan Rowbotham, Scottie Schwefel
Performance in a Supporting Role: Elle Keseley, Ryan O'Neill, Laura Parnell
Technical Achievement Awards: Overall Technical Team; Technical Crew; Costume Crew: A/V Board Operators
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Holiday Musical
Third, State One Act Competition
Starred Performance at 2016 State AA One Act Play Festival
The Importance of Being Earnest, Winter Play
Pippin, Spring Musical
- Christine Hwang & Leo James, winners of the Hennepin Theatre Trust Triple Threat Award
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Performance by an Ensemble
Vocal Performance by an Ensemble
Acting Performance by an Ensemble
Movement/Dance Performance by an Ensemble
Performance by a Student Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Christine Hwang, Leo James, Nathan Rowbotham
Performance in a Supporting Role: Claire DesLauriers, Scottie Schwefel, Amanada Tahnk-Johnson, Adam Ward
Technical Achievement Awards: Overall Technical Team; Technical Crew; A/V Board; Costume Crew; Nate Pierstorff (Technical Leadership)
Tarzan, Student Summer Stock Musical
2014-2015 Season
Urinetown the Musical, Fall Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance
Overall Performance by a Chorus
Performance in Dance by a Chorus
Vocal Performance by a Chorus
Acting Performance by a Chorus
Performance in a Leading Role: Josh Horst, Leo James, Kathleen Lunger, Scottie Schwefel, Graham Zima
Performance in a Supporting Role: Paris Curry, Michael Oasheim, Rachel Winton
Performance in a Featured Role: Kalli Anderson, Berit Brown, Brady Bunkelman,Haley Churchill, Claire DesLauriers, Carlos Garces, Ryan Keller, Steven Oasheim, Andrew Shellum, Adam Ward
Technical Achievement Awards: Aaron Fazzio, Kailee Kriegel, Eddie Streig, Julie Zumsteg (Sound Crew); Jennifer Kiefer, Maria Ploof, Mary Pocock (Stage Management); Lauren DeJong (Makeup); Joseph LaMere, Marie Meyer, Leo Segal, Mack Swanson, Will Todd, Ian Wagner, Kayti Wiita (Lighting);Emma Benson, Natalie Esh, Gabrielle Talisman, Sarah Yang (Props); Megan Frame, Elyse Lederer, Ben Lehman, Georgie Lowden, Marcella Mura, McKenna Murphy, Nick Radke, Ava Stanek, Laura Von Fruke, Claire White (Set Construction); Hayley Noack, Kylie Putnam, Nika Sepehri, Ava Stanek, Sara Stark, Gabrielle Talisman (Front of House Management)
Mame!, Holiday Musical
The Dancers, State One Act Competition
2015 2AA League Champions
Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap, Winter Play
Brigadoon, Spring Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance
Performance by a Student Orchestra
Performance in Dance by a Chorus
Vocal Performance by a Chorus
Acting Performance by a Chorus
Overall Performance by a Chorus
Performance in a Leading Role: Kalli Anderson, Joshua Horst, Michael Oasheim
Performance in a Supporting Role: Aliyah Busselberg, Christine Hwang, Leo James, Scottie Schwefel
Performance in a Featured Role: Brady Bunkelman, Claire DesLauriers, Ryan Keller, Elle Keseley, William Neisen, Steven Oasheim, Graham Zima
Technical Achievement Awards: Aaron Fazzio, Kailee Kriegel, Nicholas Radke, Eddie Strief, Michael Werner, Julie Zumsteg (Sound); Jennifer Keifer, Nate Pierstorff, Mary Pocock (Stage Management); Joseph Lamere, Marie Meyer, Mack Swanson, Kayti Wiita (Lighting)
Evita, Summer Musical, Encore Production at the Cowles Center for the Performing Arts
2013-2014 Season
Young Frankenstein, Fall Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance
Performance by a Student Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Will Hoverman, Gabe Sell
Performance in a Supporting Role: Anna Ginther, Michael Oasheim, Willy Olson, Ruby Segal, Lauren Strauss, James Wiersum
Technical Achievement Awards: Samantha Hopp (Costumes); Madeline Scott (Stage Management); Amelia Esh, Kailee Kreigel, Ben Lehman, Mary Pocock, Eddie Streif, Julie Zumsteg (Sound Crew); Lauren Dejong (Makeup Crew Lead); Maren Dahl, Rachel Hubby, Jamie Kizilos-Clift, Alexa Langum, Gillian Molland, Kylie Putnam, Nika Sepehri, Maddey Sicora, Bethany Van Epps, Claire White (Front of House Management)
Oliver!, Holiday Musical
Rabbit Hole, State One Act Competition
Bullshot Crummond, Winter Play
Evita, Spring Musical
Winner of the following SpotLight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance
Performance by a Student Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Kalli Anderson, Claire DesLauriers, Will Hoverman, Gabe Sell, Lauren Strauss
Performance in a Supporting Role: Josh Horst
Performance in a Featured Role: Erik Belz
Achievement as Dance Captain: Madison McDaniel
Technical Achievement Awards: Kayti Wiita, Julie Zumsteg (Sound Design); Marie Meyer (Lighting); Kailee Kriegel (Sound Effects); Maren Dahl, Rachel Hubby, Alexa Langum, Gillian Molland, Kylie Putnam, Nika Sepehri, Maddey Sicora, Claire White (Front of House Management)
Mame, Summer Musical
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Student Summer Stock Musical
2012-2013 Season
The Secret Garden, Fall Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Performance by a Student Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Erik Belz, Eric Sargent, Scottie Schwefel
Performance in a Supporting Role: Karl Amundson, Katherine Fried, Evan Gosen, Will Hoverman,
Olivia Hultgren, Nikki Kallman, Kurt Wallgren
Technical Achievement Awards: Sophie Carlson, Max Peterson, Lizzie Streif (Stage Management: Caroline Fazzio, Kailee Kriegel, Julie Zumsteg (Sound); Ben Gerton, Trevor LeCrone, Mason Nuss, Maddie Scott, Michael Slattery, Thomas Slattery , Kayti Wiita (Lighting); Adam Adamek, Dana Akre-Fens, Rachel Gerton, Gabi Talisman (Props); Sarah Berry, Gillian Molland, Hannah Moore, Layla Setharaju, Maddey Sicora (Front of House Management)
Annie, Holiday Musical
Wit, State One Act Competition
Starred Performance at 2013 State AA One Act Play Festival
The Government Inspector, Winter Play
Elton John & Tim Rice's Aida, Spring Musical
Karl Amundson, winner of the Hennepin Theatre Trust Triple Threat Award
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Performance by a Student Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Katherine Fried, Karl Amundson
Performance in a Supporting Role: Madelyn Hirschuber, Eric Sargent
Performance in a Featured Role: Elza Thayer, Will Hoverman, Kurt Wallgren
Technical Achievement Awards: Katilyn Anglum, Madeline Scott, Lizzie Streif (Stage Management); Caroline Fazzio, Kailee Kriegel & Julie Zumsteg (Sound); Trevor LeCrone, Mason Nuss, Maddie Scott, Michael Slattery, Thomas Slattery & Kayti Wiita (Lighting); Rachel Gerton, Gabi Talisman (Props); Sarah Berry, Evan Meeker, Gillian Molland, Hannah Moore, Maddey Sicora (Front of House Management)
9 to 5: The Musical, Summer Musical
2011-2012 Season
Dracula – The Musical, Fall Musical
The Sound of Music, Holiday Musical
Equus, State One Act Competition
Starred Performance at 2012 State AA One Act Play Festival
Nice People Dancing to Good Country Music, Winter Play
Legally Blonde – The Musical, Spring Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Performance by a Student Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Katherine Fried, Karl Amundson
Performance in a Supporting Role: Maddie Dinndorf, Jesse Landa, Eric Sargent, Ryan Fargo
Performance in a Featured Role: Kalli Anderson, Katie Halloran, Ellen Schwartz, Elza Thayer,
Philly Wenderoth,
Featured Ensemble: Delta Nu Greek Chorus
Technical Achievement Awards: Scenic Design: Alyssa Johnson, Kendra Kallevig, Georgie Lowden, Maeve Myers (Scenic Design); Costume Design; Jenna Coppens, Caroline Fazzio (Sound Engineering); Troy Goemer, Mason Nuss (Lighting Design); Lizzie Strief, Dana Akre-Fens, Sonja Nelson (Stage Management)
101 Dalmatians, Theatre in the Park
Raise the Curtain, 10-year Anniversary Gala
All Shook Up, Summer Musical
Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?, Student Summer Stock Musical
2010-2011 Season
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, Fall Musical
Ryan McCartan, Winner of the National High School Musical Theatre Awards
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Overall Performance of a Musical
Performance in a Leading Role: Katelin DeLorenzo, Shawn Gaebel, Ryan Fargo, Ryan McCartan
Performance in a Supporting Role: Madeleine Fernald, Katherine Fried, Lucas, Johnson, Kelsey Peterjohn
Technical Achievement Awards: Katie Guzzi, Meghan Leisman, Jenna Coppens (Sound Engineering); Maren Kind (Stagement Management)
Willy Wonka, Holiday Musical
Laramie Project, State One Act Competition
Starred Performance at 2011 State AA One Act Play Festival
Our Town, Winter Play
The Phantom of the Opera, Spring Musical
Rugrats! A Live Adventure, Theatre in the Park
Anything Goes, Summer Musical
Chicago, Student Summer Stock Musical
2009-2010 Season
The Scarlet Pimpernel, Fall Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Performance by a Chorus Ensemble
Performance in a Leading Role: Nathaniel Irvin, Ryan McCartan, Sarah Whitman
Performance in a Supporting Role: Jacob Fazzio, Lucas Johnson
Technical Achievement Awards: Emma Field (Props), Kelly Dencklau (Scenic Design), Katie Guzzi, Meghan Lesiman (Sound), Phil Holt (Lighting), Jen Leone (Stage Management), Emily Jordano (Costumes)
Scrooge: A Musical, Holiday Musical
Patient A, State One Act Competition
Starred Performance at 2010 State AA One Act Play Festival
Much Ado About Nothing, Winter Play
Jesus Christ Superstar, Spring Musical
Free to be You and Me, Theatre in the Park
The Drowsy Chaperone, Summer Musical
2008-2009 Season
South Pacific, Fall Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Performance by a Chorus Ensemble
Performance by an Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Nate Irvin, Ryan McCartan, Kari Nelson, Sydney Nyman
Performance in a Supporting Role: Bern Fletcher, Shawn Gaebel, Marissa Kuhnly
Technical Achievement Awards: Laura Grossmann (Stage Management), Joe Holdman (Sound), Phil Holt (Lighting)
Scrooge: A Musical, Holiday Musical
Twilight of the Golds, State One Act Competition
Starred Performance at 2009 State AA One Act Play Festival
The Cripple of Inishmaan, Winter Play
All Shook Up, Spring Musical
Snoopy!!! The Musical, Theatre in the Park
Hello, Dolly!, Summer Musical
2007-2008 Season
Blood Brothers, Fall Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Performance by a Chorus Ensemble
Performance by an Orchestra
Performance in a Leading Role: Lauren Bartelt, Nate Irvin, Ryan McCartan
Performance in a Supporting Role: Tate Randall, Samantha Geyen
Honorable Mention, Outstanding Performance in a Featured Role: Zack Keenan
Technical Achievement Awards: Amanda Herrmann (Scenic Design), Joe Holdman (Sound), Phil Holt (Lighting)
Scrooge: A Musical, Holiday Musical
Marvin’s Room, State One Act Competition
Starred Performance at 2008 State AA One Act Play Festival
Neil Simon’s Fools, Winter Play
Into the Woods, Spring Musical
School House Rock Live! Jr., Theatre in the Park
Annie Get Your Gun, Summer Musical
2006-2007 Season
Jekyll and Hyde, Fall Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Performance in a Leading Role: Jessica Chung, Zach Dimond
Performance by a Featured Actor: Jeff Champeau
Performance in a Supporting Role: Ian Gloude
Performance by a Chorus/Dance Ensemble
Performance by an Orchestra
Technical Achievement Awards: Emma Field (Props Design), Joe Holdman (Sound Design), Susan Kranz (Stage Management), Brittany Liebl (Lighting Design)
The Wizard of Oz, Holiday Musical
Dead Man Walking, State One Act Competition
Second Place Winner at Sectionals
The Imaginary Invalid, Winter Play
Oklahoma!, Spring Musical
You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown, Theatre in the Park
Damn Yankees, Summer Musical
Les Misérables, Edinburgh Fringe Festival
2005-2006 Season
Once on this Island, Fall Musical
Winner of the following Spotlight Musical Theatre Awards
Overall Production of a Musical
Performance in a Leading Role: Lauren Bartelt, Katy Knutson
Performance in a Supporting Role: Franki DeLaVega, Kyla Eato
Performance by a Chorus/Dance Ensemble, Performance by an Orchestra
Technical Achievement Awards: Susan Kranz (Sound Design), Brittany Liebl (Lighting Design)
Cinderella, Holiday Musical
Flags, State One Act Competition
Brighton Beach Memoirs, Winter Play
Les Misérables, Spring Musical
The Wizard of Oz, Summer Musical
2004-2005 Season
Footloose, Fall Musical
Cripple of Inishmaan, State One Act Competition
Steel Magnolias, Winter Play
West Side Story, Spring Musical
Fiddler on the Roof, Summer Musical
2003-2004 Season
Little Shop of Horrors, Fall Musical
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat, Holiday Musical
Guys and Dolls, Spring Musical
Honk!, Summer Musical #1
The Music Man, Summer Musical #2
2002-2003 Season
Grease, Fall Musical
Brigadoon, Spring Musical
You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown, Summer Musical #1
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat, Summer Musical #2