How to Best Enjoy Your Minnetonka Theatre Visit
1. Bring layers so you can adjust to the theatre's climate! Layers aren’t just for winter; our AC can make the theatre fairly cold so a sweater or jacket is always a good idea.
2. As a courtesy to those around you, please turn off all electronic devices before entering the theatre so you won't interrupt the other patrons or yourself during the show.
3. It’s a good idea to arrive early to find parking and help us start the show on time. There are often many other events going on at Minnetonka High School; this way you won’t feel rushed picking up tickets at will call, and you’ll still have time to visit concessions. Please note: Late arrivals will be seated at the discretion of the House Manager. You may watch the production on the monitors in the lobby until you are seated (Main Stage productions only).
4. Take care of personal needs (drinks or restroom) before the show starts so you won't need to leave your seat. Restrooms are located to the right of the Box Office.
5. If you need any assistance before or during the show, just ask! Our staff is more than welcome to help out.
6. Food and drink are not allowed in the theatre. This helps us keep our theatre clean, and is less disruptive to those around you. Concessions are available in the lobby before the show and during intermission but if you are interested in other dining options, ask at the Box Office for a restaurant recommendation in the area.
7. Please remember that cameras and recording devices are not allowed in the theatre. Not only is this a copyright issue but it is dangerous for the actors and distracting to those around you.
8. The music starting and the lights going out is your cue that the show has started. Please find your seat and pause your conversations until intermission or after the show has ended.